here i sit... the week of finals... printing on a bajillion (17) sheets of paper. the paper that i MADE... the paper that took me forever to get to the 'this-looks-nice-enough-to-turn-in' stage. so now i'm digitally printing on the back of it which is scary because i don't know much about all this fancy computer stuff. it kinda feels like watching your child ride their bike for the first time... i'm just waiting for this paper to fall and scrape it's knee. only problem is... they don't really make band-aids for handmade paper projects. *sigh*
will promise to post pictures later!
and now it's later! i think i did this last year? better late than never huh? these are from the papermaking class i took. this is a sheet of paper that i pulled myself and then used a stencil i made from mylar (that overhead projector clear sheet stuff that teachers use in elementary school) and pulp painted the layered coral imagery (which was the stencil), and then the silhouette of my son and the words are letterpressed with rubber based inks! man i loved that class.
this is the close up of the inside. it says: I find you buried in the flood
tangled among dreams abandoned

this is the inside