it's overwhelming sometimes. everything. the choices, the options, the possibilities that every day holds. just thinking about it makes me feel like spacing out at the computer staring at pretty things on etsy or snooping through facebook photos of people i've barely spoken to this past year. i have tons of things with which to create but it's daunting. the thought of the many many ideas that go through my mind for just one little object or piece of fabric, yarn or clay. ugh... it's not lack of creativity but having too much that seems to be the trouble. how silly. i am, however, thankful that my mind is not a complete blank. just a crazy conglomeration of "i could make this into this or this or this or THIS!" man oh man... i better get to making. here's what i made yesterday...

gotta put my brain on channel focus so i don't waste today on indecision! :D